Thursday, October 16, 2003

Lowlife Suziebloo

Lowlife Sue was still at it, attacking me for no reason at all. This time, she left me TWO posts! Ohhh, I am so damn lucky! NOT!!!

Hey Alien,

I will call you what you are, and that is:  STUPID.

Anyone who chirps about there not being a GOD, is STUPID.

Your beliefs are STUPID, in my opinion, and I am entitled to that opinion.

You believe in aliens.  I believe in God.  Difference of opinion, and of course, yours are NOT correct.



P.S.  I did NOT call you stupid, until just this last post.  I said you were WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.  I did NOT say you were stupid.

But let's face it, you are STUPID, also.

Anyone who puts their STUPID poem, or whatever you call that "thing" about there not being a GOD, has got brains in her A--S.

bye now


This is my last response to Miss lowlife, Sue!

"I did NOT say you were stupid. Are you sure about that? NO ONE will encroach upon your stupidity. That NASTY comment is calling someone STUPID! Who is LYING, Sue? Not me!"

I reported Sue once again for her nasty comments, right along with Rugr22. Of course, I sent them an email with the response I put in the forum, "Please stop ATTACKING me for no reason at all. I didn't do anything to you."

Then, I sent one to Loy Lawton, the UFO guide, about those two lowlifes. "Rugr22 AND Suziebloo is PERSONAL ATTACKING me for no reason at all.  You need to talk to them.  They are disrespecting me with their NASTY comments. I didn't do anything to Rugr22 AND Suziebloo. Please DELETE their posts too. Thanx for your help!"

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