Sunday, July 31, 2005

HIV Bareback

HIV Bareback

By Kazz Falcon


I posted an ad on Craig’s list

I didn’t hide my HIV status

I put it in the subject line

Few guys sent me an email

They wanted to hook up

I checked the ads again

I noticed someone responses to my ad

I clicked on the ad

Boy, I couldn’t believe it

That Negro personally attacked me


He mentioned I was ashamed of myself

For what?

I had no reason to be ashamed

I was proud to be HIV +

He doesn’t know anything about me

We have NEVER ever met

He was one stupid black person

He had no right to attack me

I did nothing wrong

I was being honest with my HIV status

He accused me of keeping AIDS alive

Say what?

I will leave you with this thought

People are having bareback sex whether we are negative or not

That was the reality of things

Why are they complaining about HIV/AIDS?

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