Thursday, January 12, 2006

Mike's Nasty Email

Michael Crouch is HIV POSITIVE and a alcoholic!

Here is the nasty email I recieved from Michael on January 9, 2006, Monday.

Let the truth be known. You are so full of shit (lies). You are so dishonest and immature about everything. Very typical of fags. I know you talk behind my back to your other fag friends, like you did when we lived in the shelter, and I know that liquor in your refrigerator is for you. I realize that you don't wish me well about me quitting to drink. That isn't a friend. You play to many games and i know you are lying about not being angry about having HIV. I also know you know what I'm talking about since the night I called you on the phone you knew instantly I had HIV. You need to quit playing dumb and get real. Nobody feels sorry for you and that's life.

You are also not a total top, you are embarrased about being versatile. You are ashamed since fags do this to each other. Life is too short, and I must remove myself from fags since the don't care about each other and constantly lie and decieve each other. You need to figure it out for yourself, because I know you know what I'm talking about. You are just so dishonest, you refuse to see the truth about fags, because the truth hurts. Fags are a bunch of immature people who act like high school girls.

To an arrogant gossip queen.

Michael Crouch's email is

See how hateful Michael was in the email???

I know that liquor in your refrigerator is for you.

Well, one bottle was mine and the rest was my good friends. They brought over the liquor for New Year's Eve 2005. I didn't want Mike to drink their liquor.

I realize that you don't wish me well about me quitting to drink.

That is PARTLY true.

Long time ago, Michael claimed to be a alcoholic! Since then, Mike have been a broken record - "I need to stop drinking." He mentioned that every month or so.

I am so sick and tired of hearing the broken record all the time. I don't want to hear it any more.

Some alcoholics wants to change and Michael is not ONE OF THEM!

To this day, Michael wants to drink alcohol; he claimed he cut down on his drinking.

If Michael is really serious about stop drinking, he WOULD HAVE to stop altogether!

Thanks to his alcohol problem, he got the HIV virus from unsafe sex.

i know you are lying about not being angry about having HIV.

I was NEVER EVER angry for being HIV positive; I have no reason to be angry. I brougth it upon myself; I had unsafe sex many times.

I wasn't shock or suprise about being HIV positive. I knew I will catch it from unsafe sex some day.

You are also not a total top, you are embarrased about being versatile.

PLEASE! How stupid can Michael get?

Not every gay men is versatile. Michael is a dummy!

You need to figure it out for yourself, because I know you know what I'm talking about.

I ALREADY figured it out long time ago - I am ALL TOP, not versatile like dumb Michael claimed!

In closing, I am so damn happy that Michael Crouch is HIV positive!

Michael learned about his hiv status in October or November 2005.

Michael DESERVED the hiv virus!

Ain't Karma a bitch! ROFL

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