Wednesday, December 10, 2003

12/10/03 Wednesday

I took a shower after some Joe. I watched Rudoph. Last night, I like the new Peanuts xmas special. I laughed throughout the special. Rerun threw his shoe at the dog on the bike ride! He is one smart funny kid. "I keep on losing shoes." Rerun trying to get Lucy to tell him his one line, but she threatened to beat him up!

I noticed the sun was out. I pondered about Smart & Final. I didn't want to go out in the rain, but I took a chance to S&F. I brought Tang, kool aid and a flashlight. I really need another flashlight; my small one wasn't working that good. I was about to get the flashlight at S&F yesterday.

I watched the last 20 minutes of AMC. Babe talked to Stuart on the floor; Adam wasn't too pleased seeing her there, then JR walked in. Brooke/Jamie had a falling out about Babe/the baby. Tomorrow should be EXPLOSIVE - a bomb went off on Bianca/Kendell. Kendell walked on Ryan/Greenlee; she wants Ryan back.

I watched OLTL to get me up to speed.  Walker wanted to see Blair at Dorian's, but Dorian lied that she wasn't there. The other day, Blair just found out that Walker is Todd. Blair finally talk to Walker at his place; Walker overheard Blair talking on the phone to Kevin about supper. Blair lied to Walker, "I have a supper date with Dorian." Walker went upstairs; Blair locked the door, "let the games begins."

I fell asleep during Ellen; Tom Cruise was a guest. I watched the soaps on tape. I had steak/green beans. I watched Billboard Music awards, then the last hour of Trisha/Ryan's wedding; their wedding was beauitful. At the reception, Ryan turned a poem into a song, sung by a country singer! I fell in love with the song! I want that song!

11:45 PM, Victor stopped by for some quarters. We talked about the cable. He oles the cable over $90. I told him not to pay for it; we never recieved a cable box. He only got two channels; I had about 5. I noticed he had a goat tee, very nice. 

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