Monday, December 1, 2003

12/1/03 Monday

I haven't check my mail in a while. It was about that time for the post office in West Hollywood. I took the express bus up there. Ninteno Power came and I threw away the junk mail. I still need to change of address for my friend. I don't wait his mail come to my PO box. He never seems to pick up his mail from me. The last time was few months ago. Since then, I haven't heard from him. I might as well throw his mail in the trash.

I caught the bus; pondering to go home or Sam Goody at City Walk. I got a coupon from Entertainment Weekly for $4 off a CD or DVD. I was on my way there last Saturday. I realized on the subway that I forgot the coupon. I thought I put it in my packback; it was in the other one! So, I went straight home.

I arrived at the City Walk; Damn, Sam Goody was NOT there anymore. I was looking forward to get Ultimate Dance Party, my favourtie CD. I missed that CD since I left it behind when I moved back to Hollywierd few years ago. All my CDs was in Texas which I regretted it alot. I can't believed Sam Goody wasn't at City Walk.

I wasn't ready to go home; it was still morning time. I caught the first showing of Gothika starring Robert Downey Jr and Halle Berry. I was in the wrong theater, #1. Gothika was at #5. Halle Berry was quite fagulous. I jumped out of my seats a few times. You need to see Gothika, a good thriller.

After the movie, I walked around City Walk. Wouldn't you know it? I came upon.....drum rolls place.......SAM GOODY! I was so happy I found Sam by the entrance! I walked pass Sam without knowing it. I thought Sam was no longer at City Walk. I checked out the dance CDs; nothing I like. I took the subway to Santa Monica/Vermount.

I got on the bus, noticed a long time friend. I didn't talk to him; he was with his friends Closed to my stop, he recognised me, "STEVIE!" We got off at the same stop. He wasn't a complete women yet. We have not saw each other since he got BOOBS! We caught up with each other. We parted ways at 7/11 after I gave him my number. I went home and watch my soaps!

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