Tonight, I watched TBN, the popular Christian network; there was nothing else on. I came upon The Dream Center at 10 PM. I saw the words of West Hollywood in the background. I decided to watch the whole program. I still considered Weho as home.
The Dream Center was mostly about testimonies. One guy had a criminal record; he turned his life over to Jesus Christ. Now, he is the head security of The Dream Center! Another one was about a blond lady; she worked in the mailroom and answered the phones.
I was curious where The Dream Center was locate. I looked on the web, would you believe it was down the street from me? Few months ago, I decided to take a walk at night. I heard loud music down the street. I checked out the noise. There was few people outside and lots inside. I wanted to go inside. I figured it was something else. So, I went straight home. Now, I realized it was the same place that I "visited" that certain night. God does work in mysterious ways. I was about to trek out to the same place tonight. It was getting late. I will go tomorrow.
The Dream Center is part of Angelus Temple in Echo Park. I checked their address too. I used to live from that church from Echo Park in the late 90's about two months. We lived in a beautiful house on the hill. The roomie changed about every month. The last guy wanted his deposit back; he found a new place with his lover. We had to move out of the house; we had trouble paying the rent on time.
I haven't been to church in a long time; I used to attend MCC in Weho. I went back for a Sunday after Nancy retired. It wasn't the same at all. I hardly know anybody at all; I missed alot of church. Since then, I haven't went back. Lately, I wanted to find a new church, but I keep on putting it off. It wasn't that interesting to me anymore.
This Sunday, I might as well attend the service at Angelus Temple, but I want to check out the Dream Center tomorrow. Maybe, someone may be working. I could get some infor about the church. I wished I talk to someone that certain night when I heard the loud noises. For sure, I could already be a member. Oh well, it is never too late to attend church!
you made the top five journal picks of the day. great job on that. great read in these journals. keep up the good work...
Congratulations on making the editor's top 5 picks today. I enjoyed visiting your journal. If you'd like to visit mine, it is at:
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