This evening, I found a star's email/home address on a forum by accident. I couldn't believed it. A certain lady named Jennie posted it on the web. I knew that no stars will put their personal email and home address on the web. Come on, there are stalkers on the web, let alone offline!
Today's stars need to be careful at all costs. I don't want the same thing happened to Rebecca Schaeffer (My Sister Sam) happens to them. There were many stalker cases concerning the stars from Rebecca to David Letterman to Ashley Judd to Madonna to Brad Pitt to many other famous stars.
A deranged fan, Robert Bardo, began writing letters and stalking the young woman, Rebecca Schaeffer. Bardo, who had also targeted other fresh-faced young entertainers, tracked Schaeffer to her apartment, rang her door and shot her to death.
I think Rebecca's death was the first major stalker case ever. It had the most effect on the Hollywood community. I remembered watching the sad news on Entertainment Tonight. She was an upcoming star. On the morning of her murder, she was scheduled to audition for The Godfather: Part III.
I wrote to the star's email. I wasn't sure if she was indeed the star! Much to my suprised, she wrote me back. She did a fabulous pilot for Kelsey Grammer (Frasier), but the network was into cheap and cheesy! That's truly sucks! I will love to see her on a weekly show once again! She hasn't work in Hollywood that much; thanx to the reallity tv. She wished me luck on the alien thing. She is so nice. I will keep the email forever!
Finally, I emailed her back about her email/home address; I wanted to warn her about the post by Jennie. Anyone may have her personal email/address. I gave her the forum's address too. She need to get in contact with the webmaster to take off that post! No one have the right to know any stars personal stuff. All stars needs their privacy!
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