Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Phone Block

I checked my phone messages this afternoon. My phone was turned off last night. One was from Taylor, wanting a big favor from me - he need some pics to be scan for his business site. I didn't know he had one. We talked about it few months ago; we didn't went through with it. He wanted to put his art on the web; his art was that good.

I called him on his home phone. For some odd reason, my number was block. It was so unlike Taylor. He has no reason to block me at all. I had a feeling that it must be his so called friends. I called him on his cell phone; he can't come over that moment - he has some things to do. He will come over later.

I hope that Taylor will come alone. I don't want to deal with his loser friends. I just don't trust them. I wasn't judging them; it was my first impression. Opinions speak louder than judging. It was my opinion; that's saying alot about them. I really don't care that much for his friends, not counting Peter. Sometimes, when someone judge, they let their personal feelings to get in the way.

I don't have time to play childest games with anyone. I had interesting things like research to do with my time; I will continued to research life as we assuming know it. Some things doesn't add up concerning life at all. I will let you know this much - the more research I do about life, it will change the way that people thinks about life itself!

Yesterday was a new beginning for me. Believed me, I wasn't a scientist at all; I was just an average guy with too much time on my hands! Man, that was another entry for this journal! LOL

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